Airway Aesthetics Project Inspired by Flight

The first project in the City's effort to beautify Interstate 10 will include themes inspired by flight. That's according to an item on the January 15, 2013 City Council meeting agenda. The Interstate 10 overpass at Airway Boulevard project includes aesthetic improvements to the bridge structure as well as landscaping improvements to areas immediately adjacent to the main lanes.

According to a presentation by the consulting artist on the project, Vicki Scuri, colorful fins will be placed at strategic angles along the Interstate as well as the Gateways. These fins are influenced by the feathers that collectively make up a bird's wing, as well as by cross sections of an airplane's wing. Airway Boulevard is the Interstate's connection to El Paso International Airport.

Planters along the medians between the main lanes and the frontage road will include native plants and incorporate the colorful fins. Colors included in the overall project are influenced by El Paso's skies.

Columns below the bridge will be stenciled with similar fin shapes in different shades of blue. Pathways below the freeway will include lighting built into the sidewalk to provide a feeling of safety and destination to pedestrians. Planter walls along the Gateways will also include built in lighting, and a planter box in the Airway Boulevard median will "glow like a lantern."

The $10 million project's status and timeline should be updated at the meeting.

Previously: I-10 Beautification Moves Forward; Airway First

City Council agenda item (PDF):