I-10 Beautification Moves Forward; Airway First

The Interstate 10 overpass at Airway Boulevard will be the first to benefit from a City-backed beautification project that will stretch along the freeway from Hawkins to Executive Blvd. City Council on Tuesday voted to move forward with the aesthetic improvements at Airway because highway funds are already available but must be used at that specific location.
According to the I-10 Corridor Aesthetic Master Plan, the project will include improvements to slope paving, landscaping, medians, facades, columns, lighting, walkways, abutments, and general neighborhood identity. The illustrative plan presented in the master plan is not final and will change based on community feedback received in coming meetings. Vicki Scuri, the projects public art consultant, has stated that the project is an opportunity for the City to convey neighborhood identities to commuters. 
The project will have $10 Million to work with and should be completed by 2015. After that, the Downtown bridges would be in line for improvements. The total cost for all improvements along I-10 are projected to be upwards of $170 Million.

CRRMA Projects Website: http://www.crrma.org/projects.asp