Americas Interchange Seven Months from Completion

If all goes as planned, the current work on the interchange under construction at Interstate 10 and Loop 375 on the east side should be completed in seven months time. This includes the three direct connectors that are part of the project: eastbound I-10 to northbound Loop 375; southbound 375 to westbound I-10; and northbound 375 to westbound I-10.

The years-long project has had January 2013 as its target completion date since it began, and those involved with the project have previously stated that they expect to make or beat the deadline. To date:

  • 110 out of 114 drill shafts have been constructed,
  • 80 out of 93 columns have been completed,
  • 49 out of 78 bent caps have been constructed,
  • 191 out of 363 concrete beams have been placed,
  • 5 out of 76 bridge deck spans have been poured, and
  • 16,670 square feet out of 76,648 square feet of retaining walls have been constructed.

Once completed, El Pasoans travelling to and from the far east side will no longer have to contend with traffic lights at Rojas when transitioning from one freeway to another. The next direct connector in line for construction will be the westbound I-10 to northbound 375 ramp which could start construction soon after completion of the initial three ramps.

Americas Interchange June Newsletter (PDF):