Ballpark Concept Videos Added to City's Website

The City of El Paso has added two short videos to its Downtown Ballpark page showing conceptual views from within and above the proposed stadium. Additional details have also been added, such as the firms selected so far to assist the City in constructing the stadium that will house El Paso's Triple-A baseball team.

View looking west from the Santa Fe Street side of the stadium.
The videos allow a closer look at the conceptual images already released by Populous Inc., the project's principal architect. The first video offers a field-level perspective, beginning at the eastern edge of the field underneath the planned grandstand, travelling to the middle of the park, and turning clockwise to offer a 360 degree view of the stadium.

Eastward view overlooking the outfield.
The second video provides a bird's eye view of the park, swooping around the perimeter for a complete look from outside the walls. This perspective offers a look at previously mentioned amenities, including a grassy seating area in the outfield, a "party zone" located in the outer grandstand, and multiple access points for fans to use.

Firms listed as involved in the project include:

� Populous, Inc. (Kansas City, MO) - Principal Architect
� MNK Architects (El Paso, TX) - Local Architect /LEED Accredited Professional
� W. P. Moore (El Paso, TX) - Civil, Traffic, Structural
� Robert Navarro (El Paso, TX) - Structural
� Henderson Engineering (Lenexa, KS) � Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing
� Wrightson, Johnson, Haddon &Williams (Dallas, TX) � Audio/Visual
� Ovations (Pleasanton, CA) - Food Service
� Dover, Kohl & Partners (Coral Gables, FL) � Design

The 8,000-9,000 seat stadium's initial design seems to take cues from nearby Union Plaza where old brick buildings have been recently renovated by local entrepreneurs. The City has expressed a desire to reflect El Paso's history in the stadium's look and feel.

View of the stadium seating areas and home plate.
The City approved a contract with Populous at its November 27, 2012 meeting for the firm to complete the design work and oversee construction of the ballpark. The City and MountainStar Sports Group hope to have construction completed by April of 2014.

Previously: Triple-A Club, Ballpark Debut New Website

City's Ballpark Page: