Starbucks, Anson 11 Steakhouse Headed to Mills Bldg.

A series of window coverings along the ground level of the Mills Building in Downtown El Paso points to a new steakhouse that will occupy the space in the coming months. The restaurant will be called Anson 11, an homage to Anson Mills, the building's builder and namesake. Mills was a civil engineer and surveyor who gave El Paso its modern name and helped design the original layout of the city.

Few details are available about the upcoming steakhouse, and the website simply contains the restaurant's logo/name and a phone number for employment inquiries. Tunnel Bravo, an Arizona-based design and advertising firm, developed the logo, according to its website. According to an August 7, 2012, blog entry at the website, construction was set to begin soon on the interior.

Next door to the upcoming steakhouse, a Starbucks coffee shop will also make its premier. It will actually be located in the Centre Building adjacent to the Mills. A simple logo on a window, along with a "Coming Soon" decal, announced the future location a couple of months ago.

No opening date has been announced for either eatery, although the Anson 11 logo indicates an established-date of 2012 which may point to an opening later this year.

Read more in an August post at the Living El Paso blog.

Anson 11 website: