Glimpse of Ballpark Plans Included in Council Agenda

An agenda item in the upcoming October 23, 2012, City Council meeting shows a portion of preliminary plans for the future baseball stadium in downtown El Paso. The City is developing a contract with Union Pacific Railroad to study and/or approve encroachment over the depressed train tracks that are adjacent to the ballpark site.

According to the draft plans, a pedestrian deck would cross over the tracks in the eastern area of the ballpark, adjacent to Santa Fe Street. Additionally, a portion of the planned upper deck suite and press box area would overhang the railroad tracks by about 50 feet or more.

Concept image of ballpark. Grandstand tower can be seen on the left.
The plans, which only show the southern portion of the stadium area, also show that Durango Street would be cut in half along the western edge. On the eastern side, plans for a grandstand tower seem to also be included, reinforcing the tower seen in the concept image released by Populous, the architecture firm in charge of designing the stadium.

The contract with Union Pacific states that the railroad company would provide "preliminary engineering and other related services, development of cost estimates, review of the project�s preliminary layouts, and submit current train and switching moves."

Those involved are trying for an April 2014 opening day for the yet-unnamed Triple-A ball club's stadium.

Triple-A Club, Ballpark Debut New Website
No Ballpark Veto; Next Steps for Downtown Stadium

Populous website:
City Council Agenda: