Mixed Use Planned for Commercial Block Near UTEP

A mixed-use project is planned for an entire block located near the University of Texas at El Paso and bounded by Mesa Street, Robinson Avenue, Oregon Street, and Boston Avenue. A rezoning application with the City Plan Commission indicates that the development will include retail, office, restaurant and residential uses.

Two buildings currently stand on the property with the majority of the space taken up by surface parking lots. The site plan seems to indicate that the larger of the current buildings, a four level office space, may lose the front half of the building to allow for more parking along Mesa Street. An additional three buildings are planned, with one sandwiched in between the two existing buildings and another two going up on the western half of the block. These two will have zero setbacks along Oregon Street.

The site plan also shows various walkways, the largest of which will take over the current alley cutting down the middle of the project. Plazas are planned as transitional areas between buildings. Boston Avenue will also be vacated of through traffic, blocking off access from Oregon Street. This vacation was approved by the City in 2009.

No time frame is included in the rezoning application. Mesa Street Grill currently occupies the existing building in the northeastern corner of the site.

City Plan Commission agenda: http://www.elpasotexas.gov/econdev/preview_mtng.asp?meetingid=1732