Mesa Project to Replace Building Lost to Fire

An empty lot which once housed a historic building that was lost to fire last year will see new life, according to a special permit application on the City Plan Commission agenda. The building formerly at 906 N. Mesa Street was destroyed by fire on May 17, 2011 and was demolished by the city days later after a partial collapse of the top floor. The building was vacant at the time.

Elevations for planned office building.
The owner of the property has now submitted documents showing a new 9,800 square foot office building that is planned for the site. Plans show three levels, two upper floors which will be used for office space, and a basement/ground level which will provide parking.

Former building destroyed by fire.
Elevations in the application show that the owner will try to maintain a historic feel in the new building, perhaps as a gesture of good faith in light of the loss of the previous building. The facade of this building will be reminiscent of many historic Downtown structures.

No timeline for construction is provided in the special permit application. The City Plan Commission will hear the item at its September 20, 2012 meeting.

City Plan Commission Agenda:
El Paso Times story which covered the fire: Abandoned Downtown building demolished after late-night blaze