Montecillo Introduces its 'Entertainment District'

A new video posted at the Montecillo smart code project website is giving us a lengthy view at what the developer is calling the Montecillo Entertainment District. No other details are included besides the video, which gives us a look at the district from several angles and provides some street-level views.

A green plaza at the center of the Entertainment District.

The district looks to be located across the street from The Venue at Montecillo buildings currently under construction. The development will fill a small valley between to large hills east of Mesa Street, and a drive will wind its way up to portions of the project above the district.

View looking east from Mesa Street.

The lower portion of the Entertainment District will be accessible via a boulevard-type drive that shoots off of Mesa Street at an angle. This portion may contain seven or eight buildings with surface, street, and structured parking areas. A central green plaza will be surrounded by zero-setback buildings.

A large escalator will take visitors to the upper portion of the district which looks to have two large buildings, one of which may be a theater or venue. Surface parking will be located behind these structures.

It is unlikely that the building designs are final. The 3D computer model has a preliminary feel about it and the elevations will most likely change and may be for illustrative purposes only. The five buildings nearest Mesa Street in particular seem to be largely devoid of details. Earlier depictions of the same area contained very different architecture and included water features.

Earlier concept of the Entertainment District on left.

It is unclear if the district will only contain commercial purposes like retail, restaurant, office, and entertainment or if it may also include residential spaces on the upper floors.

The video can be seen at the Montecillo website below. Details will be posted as they are made available.

Montecillo development website:

Website Offers Glimpse of Montecillo's Future