Brio, City's Bus Rapid Transit, Coming Soon

The City of El Paso's upcoming "like rail" bus rapid transit (BRT) system is nearing reality as planning for the Mesa Corridor is scheduled for completion by August 8, 2012. The Mass Transit Board received an update at its July meeting indicating that all the transit stops along Mesa have been finalized with station design also finished. Public art displayed at the stations is still pending approval. Residents will come to know the El Paso BRT as "Brio"

According to the Sun Metro website, typical RTS elements include:
� Frequent service (10 to 15 minute frequency)
� Less frequent stops (locations of stops about one mile apart)
� Branded vehicles and stations (uniquely painted buses and stations to easily identify service)
� Amenities at stops (such as real-time bus schedules)
� Signal prioritization (buses will have ability to shorten red or lengthen green traffic signals)
� Fare prepayment (save time by paying for your fare before boarding)
� Local bus feeder network (circulators take passengers to RTS stops faster to reduce overall travel time)
Conceptual image of a Mesa Corridor Brio Station.

The Brio Mesa Corridor will span 8.4 miles with 13 proposed stations with construction beginning in February of 2013. All stations along the corridor will measure 65 feet in length with protective canopies varying in size. Lighting and shade trees are part of the landscape plans for all stations. Stations and buses will also include free Wi-Fi. The route could be completed by January of 2014.
Proposed public art details for the Alameda Corridor Brio Stations.

The next Brio route in the planning stages is the Alameda Corridor which will span a much longer 15.4 miles upon completion. With 17 planned stations, this route could go to construction in April of 2013 and be completed in one year.

Two additional routes are in the initial planning stages, the Dyer Corridor and the Montana Corridor. Dyer will span 11.7 miles and have 12 stations with construction tentatively completed by September of 2015. Montana will be the longest corridor at 18.4 miles long and have 18 proposed stations. That corridor could be complete by September of 2016.
RTS buses are typically longer to allow for more passenger space

The logo and branding campaign for the Brio Rapid Transit System has not yet been finalized.

Mass Transit Board agenda:
Sun Metro RTS page: