Schuster Extension May Include Pedestrian Underpass, Roundabout

Plans for the State's proposed Schuster re-alignment and extension over Interstate 10 may include a roundabout which incorporates a pedestrian underpass, helping to remove foot traffic from what is sure to become a busy intersection. The realigned roadway will be called Spur 1966, an homage to UTEP's historic national championship win in basketball nearly 50 years ago.
The roundabout will be placed where Schuster currently turns into its S-curve when travelling west. A new off-shoot will become the new Schuster and travel directly west through existing parking lots, over I-10, and connect to Paisano and possibly the new Loop 375 west extension. The current interchange at Schuster and I-10 will remain.
According to preliminary conceptual images, pedestrian passageways will be built underneath the proposed roundabout, allowing UTEP students to travel from parking lots to the campus without interfering with vehicular traffic. Designs are preliminary and subject to change.

Construction could start in spring of 2013 and be completed by fall of 2014. The Texas Department of Transportation hopes to have the environmental assessment ready by summer's end.

TxDOT Project Page:

UTEP Plan Shows Schuster Realignment