TXDOT to Introduce Spaghetti Bowl Improvements

The Texas Department of Transportation will update City Council on April 24 on the status of two large upcoming projects in central El Paso, an aesthetics improvement project for the US-54/I-10 interchange better known as the Spaghetti Bowl, and an interchange revamp for the intersection of Paisano Drive and Alameda Avenue.
The Spaghetti Bowl project limits are I-10 from Raynolds Street to Copia Street and US 54 from
Yandell Drive to Alameda Avenue. Improvements will consist of cleaning and repainting the bridge structures; lead paint and asbestos abatement; high mast, accent and underpass lighting; riprap repairs and improvements; landscape improvements (compatible with City�s Corridor Aesthetics Plan); use of loose aggregate for ground cover; landscape planting of the interchange; installation of a landscape/aesthetic wall along the northeast boundary; installation of aesthetic towers; and a railing upgrade along US-54.
There will be six towers in total which will be placed at various intervals along the interchange, ranging in height from 70 to 100 feet. Medium- and large-size trees will also be an important part of the landscaping process.
The second project consists of a complete overhaul of the Paisano/Alameda interchange, which currently consists of an overpass in only one direction and confusing multi-way intersections. The new draft plan replaces these elements with a dual-roundabout strategy which will also eliminate traffic lights and work to calm traffic in an area which is poised to see an increase in pedestrians due to the expansion of the Medical Center of the Americas project. This project is still in draft plan status and is subject to change.
TXDOT will most likely brief the city on the status of funding and timelines for each project.
City Council Agenda item (PDF): http://www.elpasotexas.gov/muni_clerk/agenda/04-24-12/04241214B.pdf