Don Quint�n Plans Expansion at Historic Landmark

Don Quint�n, the famous live music venue import from Juarez, has applied for an expansion of its outdoor space at the historic rail station it occupies in Downtown El Paso. The application was submitted through the Historic Landmark Commission due to the historic status of the depot. The property is located within the Magoffin Historic District.
The club's plan, located at 420 N. Campbell along I-10, is to expand outdoor seating areas as well as add a one-story building at its northern edge to accommodate additional restroom facilities. Plans for the expansion show a large concrete slab that will be the foundation for booths, a large outdoor bar, and a wooden pergola that would span most of the outdoor area.
The plans do not show any incorporation of greenery, which could be useful in such a bare area. The building is highly visible while traveling along I-10 West. The agenda item was passed at the Historic Landmark Commission meeting on February 13, 2012.
Historic Landmark Commission Item: