Northpark Transit Project May Receive $15.2 Million

The U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood, has recommended that $15.2 Million be included in the federal budget to support the City's Rapid Transit System's (RTS) Northeast corridor, according to the El Paso Times. This would include designing the transit-oriented development at the old Northpark Mall location, which is currently being demolished. The entire corridor would stretch from downtown, through Central El Paso, and continue on Dyer with its terminus at the Northpark development.

The Plan El Paso draft proposes a mixed-use development at the Northpark site, which would include apartments, condos, and row houses, a community center, parks, retail sites including parking structures lined with storefronts, and two transit stops, one for regular Sun Metro service and one for the Rapid Transit System. Planning is still in the very early stages.

The new federal budget has not been approved.

Original El Paso Times story*:

*Please note: El Paso Times online articles are available for a limited amount of time.